неделя, 29 септември 2013 г.

She killed Barbie!

A goofy photo project.  
The idea started with a simple kitchen knife which eventually grew to katana. :)
Photography was performed in the courtyard of a warehouse.
Choice of location was very important. The location had to have hot water for artificial rain because it was cold outside.
Budget did not include hospital insurance for the model. :)

Here is the result:
  Lighting diagram:

 I use 2 studio strobes with normal reflectors for backlight. One studio strobe with stripbox with grid for fill and for main light I use one studio strobe with honeycomb. 
In this case I used only studio strobes because of their slow light impulse. So raindrops look more realistic:

Subsequently, we used the moment to do more shots with a different vision:

Lighting diagram:

 I use one studio strobes with barndoor on the right. One studio strobe with stripbox with grid on the left. For main light I use one studio strobe with honeycomb. 

Here is a video of the preparation and photoshooting:

Some backstage footage:

 Special thanks to the team made ​​these pictures possible:
Ivailo Dimov - warehouseman
Zvezdelina Koeva - model
Silviya Neftyanova - makeup  
Nick Kolev - hairstyle
Stefan Stoianovich - assistant photographer
Zlatko Zlatev - cameraman
Anton Dimov - push the button  :)

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